A Lane Closure Truck (LCT) is crucially important for construction sites and lane closures. Ensuring road safety helps to protect both road workers and motorists. These trucks come equipped with high-visibility markings, flashing lights, and the necessary cones and signage for lane closures.

For work zone safety compliance, jurisdictions have regulations which require Lane Closure Trucks. Legally all lane closures require City Permits which can be obtained through an approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP). At All Way Traffic Control we specialize in being able to come up with a TMP which is guaranteed for approval and ensures compliance with safety regulations and standards.

Our Traffic Management Plans incorporate the use of our Traffic Control Personnel (TCP) in conjunction with our Lane Closure Technicians (LCT) and Lane Closure Trucks so that our biggest priority which is the safety of everyone is adhered to and prioritized.

As many lane closures occur in the latter part of the day and evenings, lane closure trucks provide bright light indicators so that all motorists and pedestrians are fully aware of the imminent closures ahead. These physical and visual identifiers help warn drivers to slow down, merge, or stop when necessary. These trucks can be used for full lane closures, partial lane closures, and as protective barriers for workers and safety equipment.

If you have a project which requires a Lane Closure Truck then please Contact us today and one of our expert representatives will get back to you within 24 hours.