All our TCP’s are licensed and experienced. A TCP  controls the traffic by displaying different kinds of signs to facilitate vehicles to pass them safely on the road.


Lane closure technician implements the plans for closing lanes as required and maintaining a safe and smooth flow of traffic by other available ways. We have licensed and lane closure etc. Contact us for more information.

Lane Closure Truck

Lane closure trucks we provide are equipped with flashing arrows that are visible from far away. These are ideal in heavy traffic areas to get more attention of the drivers to the signs and road conditions.

Traffic Management Plans and Permits

In addition, we provide complete traffic management plan for your job site to control the traffic on the road. Moreover, for every such work, a permit is always required to control the traffic. We can help in getting permits as well.

TCP Supervisor

TCP supervisor is the person who is responsible for supervising the entire site, overseeing that the traffic management plan is being followed and ensuring the safety of everyone. We have experienced TCP supervisors available for your job site.

Equipment Rent and Sale

At All Way Traffic, we provide the rental equipment to control traffic where the actual presence of a professional is not required. The equipment we provide on rental basis includes the following:

  • Stands
  • Cones
  • Signs
  • Delineators