A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a formalized document which outlines how traffic will be managed in a specific area during a specific period of time. The main purpose of this document is to strategize measures to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic.
As each municipality and jurisdiction has its own regulations, a TMP ensures compliance with by-laws which is crucial for legal and liability purposes. At All Way Traffic Control we work together with our Clients to ensure compliance in obtaining the necessary city permits for smooth and efficient implementation.
As a business which has grown and thrived in this industry for many years, we have 100% TMP approval rating to obtain the necessary permits from the city to accomplish your project. We will help to identify the potential length for lane closures, how many and where cones/signage needs to be placed, the number of Traffic Control Persons (TCP) required and where they will be positioned, along with where Lane Closure Technicians (LCT) and Lane Closure Trucks will be implemented.
If you have any questions about obtaining a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) so you can get the necessary permits from the city to complete your project, then please don’t hesitate to Contact us today and one of our experts will get back to you within 24 hours.